Jun 15, 2015

The day of the wild flowers, June 14, 2015, Langeland, Denmark

Sunday, June 14, 2015 nature lovers from all over Denmark (and the whole of Scandinavia) attend trips where we experience and enjoy the wild flowers. The trip we attended took place in the small Langeland Manor: Skovsgård. Skovsgård is owned by The Danish Society for Nature Conservation. It is located like a pearl with fields and meadows out to Langeland belt. Its area of 390 ha includes fields, and wetlands. The farming practice is ecological, without chemical fertilizer and pesticides. De Vilde Blomsters Dag søndag den 14. juni 2015 foregår i naturen, dér hvor de vilde blomster vokser. Midt i det idylliske langelandske landskab, mellem de karakteristisk buttede "hatbakker", ligger Skovsgård som en perle med marker og enge helt ud til Langelandsbæltet. Det 390 ha store gods drives som et økologisk naturlandbrug med landbrug og skovbrug som vigtigste indtægtskilder.
Once again we experienced that it is the segment of the Danish population with grey hair who participates in such events.
This is how a wheat field can look like when no pesticides are used.
Not all the wheat plants had sufficient access to nitrates.
The cattle is of an old Danish breed, and they are more robust, and are eating more of the less nutritious plants also grooving on the meadows, thereby optimizing the biodiversity on the meadows.
A meadow with diverse flora.
Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculate) Plettet Gøgeurt

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