Jun 15, 2015

The Danish Prime Minister visits Langeland, June 14, 2015

One more day to remember day at Langeland. There is election for the Danish Parliament the 18th of June, and the election campaign is at its highest. The race between the liberal-conservative-national parties (the blue coalition) and socialist-green-liberal parties (the red coalition) are very close. June the 14th, 2015 the present prime minister from the social-democratic party, Helle Thorning, visited Langeland on her campaign trail.
Helle leaves her campaign bus.
Helle in dialog with some voters – to the left the chairwoman of the local Social-Democratic party organization.
Helle in dialog with some younger voters
The red rose in a symbol of the Danish Social-Democratic party
Helle and the local MP candidate for the Social-Democratic party Helle on a photo session with a man, who I was told a member of the Liberal party – but he seems to like Helle anyway
The chairwoman of the local Social-Democratic party organization makes a selfie of her and Helle
The sign behind Helle says “I am also voting for Helle”

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