Jan 8, 2015

Regensburg 12 - 14 March 2007

Regensburg is a very interesting and well preserved medieval town. It was incredibly rich in a period (ca.1000-1400) because of its strategic location on the trade routes along and across the Danube (the only city in the period had a permanent bridge over the Danube) - and also one of the largest cities in Europe. But when the Ottoman Empire was advancing city lost its strategic location for trade and wealth disappeared. The rich families built beautiful houses, and one of the things that characterized the rich families' houses were tall towers, originally defensive structures but later mostly for showing off. Regensburg did not establish any industry to take over the trade, and it meant that the city was not bombed during WW2. Since there was no economic activity in the city, there was not anyone who built new houses to replace the medieval houses. But now there is a university in the city and lots of life and beer halls. A beautiful and cozy city that is highly recommended as a holiday destination.

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