Oct 28, 2015
THE RICHNESS OF THE ISLAND LANGELAND IN DENMARK: Happiness, nature, caring for each other and a good life - 25 October 2015
This photo-series is the answer from the people of Langeland (“Long Islanders”) to a photo-feature in one of the oldest and most influential newspapers of Denmark: the Copenhagen newspaper Politiken (http://politiken.dk/). The photo-feature painted a very bleak and negative picture of life on Island from the point of view of many Long Islanders (including myself) (http://politiken.dk/fotografier/wide/sattelitbilleder/ECE2791217/laaaaaaaaaaaangeland/). We saw it as a part of a bigger picture where the center (Copenhagen) had a view on the people in the periphery (Langeland) as primitive, less educated, less clever, less cultural, less…..: Summarized: Inferior.
When many of the people on Langeland (English: the long island) complained, Politiken arranged a meeting on the local library to discuss the photo-feature. On this meeting, Politiken offered the Long Islanders to bring their own photo-series on the Politiken home page.
We were a group of Long Islanders, that responded to this challenge and in the end Politiken printed our photo-series in a whole section of their Sunday newspaper (http://politiken.dk/fotografier/wide/sattelitbilleder/ECE2873539/langelands-rigdom/).
We designed our own home page (http://langelandsrigdom.dk/), where the Long Islanders could upload their pictures in 17 categories. After the deadline for uploading, Long Islanders could vote on the picture they liked most in each of these categories. Our photo-series consisted of the 22 photos, which got most of the votes. As the last step, we wrote a shot text to each of the selected photos and send them to Politiken. You can see all the photos with corresponding text below.
The Danish island of Langeland - a dynamic community with lots of entrepreneurs and dedicated Long Islanders? An idyllic spot with kilometers of unspoiled child-friendly beaches a diversity of nature. A place where it's hard to be lonely, because people take care?
Or an island dominated by retirees, empty houses and losers? "A society left behind by the more dynamic and prosperous areas of Denmark." (quotation from the Danish newspaper Politiken August 16, 2015)
We do not have the answer, but we prefer the first of the above versions of the situation of Langeland. "We" is a small group, open to all interested. We took up the challenge, the Politiken Photo boss presented to people complaining about the Politiken view on Langeland: make your own photo series in response to Politiken's photo-essay on Langeland from 16 August. Politiken had invited to a meeting in the local library and 200 people showed up. They said that the photo-essay gave an overly bleak and negative picture of life on Langeland.
“We” would like to balance the Politiken's view of Langeland, as a poor and the dysfunctional outskirts of Denmark. We have chosen to describe some of the things we value. So our photo series is not (and does not pretend to be) a "true" portrait of Langeland.
Everybody had the opportunity to put pictures up on our website under the 17 topics we selected. The pictures we present here are those who received the most votes in the subsequent vote.
Langeland - et dynamisk samfund, med masser af iværksættere og ildsjæle?
En idyllisk plet med en mangfoldighed af kilometervis af børnevenlige strande masser af dejlig natur. Et sted hvor det er svært at være ensom, fordi man kommer hinanden ved.
Eller er Langeland domineret af pensionister, tomme huse og tabere? “Et samfund hvor resten af verden er kørt forbi.” (Politiken 16. august)
Vi har desværre ikke svaret, men vi er nok tættest på den første af ovenstående versioner af Langeland. ”Vi” er en lille redaktionsgruppe, åben for alle interesserede, der tog udfordringen op, som Politikens Fotochef stillede: Lav jeres egen fotoserie som svar på Politikens foto-essay om Langeland fra 16. august. Vi var mange der reagerede. Vi følte at foto-essayet gav et alt for dystert og negativt billede af livet på Langeland. Vi vil gerne afbalancere Politikens fremstilling af Langeland, som en fattig og dysfunktionel udkant af Danmark. Vi har valgt at beskrive nogle af de ting netop vi sætter pris på. Så vores fotoserie er ikke (og foregiver ikke at være) et ”sandt” portræt af Langeland.
Fotoserien er også alle langelænderes fotoserie: Alle har kunnet lægge billeder op på vores hjemmeside. De billeder vi præsenterer her er de der fik flest stemmer ved den efterfølgende afstemning.
Med venlig hilsen «redaktionsgruppen»:
Marie Wöldike
Henrik Fjeldsted
Bodil Kirstine Rasmussen
Ulla Dannesboe
Iben Lauritzen
Klaus Rønnebro
Hans Sturesson
Anne Mette Wandsøe
Trine Ubbe Rasmussen
Jesper Ansbaek
Denmark's longest art exhibition is just one of the many events the artists from Langeland offers. At Easter, the island's more than 50 artists open their studios. Every Christmas there is an artists' Christmas market. Etc. etc.
The electricity transformer towers on Langland are no longer in use, and they are available to artists at Langeland. Each artist has the opportunity to exhibit in a tower for some years. And each year there is a singer tower day where one of the local choruses sings at each of the 12 art towers. This event attracts people, some who drives, some who bikes from tower to tower and sing along to well-known Danish songs.
Danmarks længste kunstudstilling er bare en af de mange events de langelandske kunstnere byder på. I påsken er øens over 50 kunstnere fælles om at åbne sine atelierer. Hvert år til jul afholdes kunstnernes julemarked. Langelands Elforsyning stiller de gamle transformatortårne til rådighed for kunstnere på Langeland. Hvert kunstner får lejlighed til at udstille i et tårn i nogle år. Og derefter kommer der en ny kunstner til. Hvert år er der en tårnsanger dag, hvor et langelandsk kor optræder ved hvert af de 12 kunsttårn. Denne event tiltrækker mange sang-glade mennesker som cykler fra tårn til tårn og synger med på fællessangene.
LandArt, Tranekaer Photographer: Hans Sturesson
Langeland attracts many artists from around the world. The picture is TICKON LandArt with a view to Tranekær Castle. Land Art is built on the spot of wood, earth and stone. The LandArt become part of nature. It is subject to nature's destructive forces, and in time it will completely disappear. (http://www.langeland.dk/?vm=26791).
LANDART PÅ VERDENSPLAN I TRANEKÆR Langeland tiltrækker mange kunstnere fra hele verden. TICKON er Verdenskunst med udsigt til Tranekær slot. Det er en udstilling af Land Art - en kunstform, som indebærer at kunstværkerne bygges på stedet, af træ, jord og sten. Dermed skabes værker, som på forunderlig vis indgår i naturen, men som samtidig er underlagt naturens nedbrydende kræfter, for på et tidspunkt helt at forsvinde. (http://www.langeland.dk/?vm=26791).
SELF-EMPLOYED PEOPLE Photographer: Hans Sturesson
We have few big companies and lacks jobs here on Langeland. That is why we must be creative! Many Long Islanders are self-employed. Here are the houses and the land cheap. It allows you to have a healthy balance between work and family, also as self-employed - you do not have to earn a million-salary to have a good personal economy. The professional wine-grower is an example – one of many different kind of self-employed Long Islanders.
SELVSTÆNDIGE Vi svømmer ikke i jobs og store virksomheder her på Langeland, og netop derfor må vi skabe noget selv! En stor del af øens borgere er selvstændige. Her er husene og jorden billig. Det giver mulighed for at have en fornuftig balance mellem arbejde og fritid, også som selvstændig - man skál ikke hive en million-løn hjem for at få sin økonomi til at hænge sammen. Den professionelle vindyrker er et eksempel – og der er et par stykker til på Langeland.
WE ARE DEDICATED Photographer: Hans Sturesson and Lene Anker Rasmussen
The Long Islanders are good in going together to create something for their local community. We have a well-functioning cinema, created and run by volunteers. The old dance hall “The Ørsted Pavilion” has been renovated from top to bottom, and has got an architectural facelift. Many volunteers has worked on the renovation, and we also got a big pat on the back from the AP Møller Foundation.
Aage, Bent and Peter are some of the many who volunteers that works in the newly created medicine garden every Tuesday. The medicine garden show the many medicinal plants that have been used in the fight against human diseases and weaknesses.
Langelænderne er gode til selv at tage initiativ. Vi har en velfungerende biograf, skabt og drevet af frivillige. Det gamle dansested Ørstedspavillonen er blevet sat tip-top i stand, og har fået et arkitektonisk ansigtsløftning ved mange frivilliges indsats, og et stort skulderklap fra AP Møller Fonden.
Aage, Bent og Peder er nogle af de mange, der arbejder frivilligt hver tirsdag i medicinhaverne. Medicinhaverne viser de mange medicinplanter, som har været brugt i kampen mod sygdomme og gebrækkeligheder. (http://www.oerstedspavillonen.com/ og http://wp-medicinhaverne.prfo.dk/)
Rudkoebing SEA BATH: Photographer: Klaus Rønnebro
Rudkoebing Sea Bath was build in 1926, it is used extensively in both summer and winter. The Baths is free and open to all throughout the year 24/7. A few years ago, a survey showed that about 60 people, bathes every day. In summer, the Sea Bath is crowded with children and young people from early morning to late evening. The Sea Bath is a the place for the winter bathers.
Rudkøbing søbadeanstalt er fra 1926, Den bruges flittigt både sommer og vinter. Badeanstalten er gratis og åben for alle hele året 24/7. For et par år siden, viste en undersøgelse, at der er ca. 60 mennesker, mest voksne i den grå ende, der bader hver dag. Om sommeren er der fyldt med børn og unge fra tidlig til silde. Kommunen forestår nye tiltag og større renoveringsopgaver og en gruppe af frivillige tager sig af løbende vedligehold, især maling. (http://www.bevaring.mono.net/9091/Rudkøbing%20Søbadeanstalt)
ORGANIC food market. Photographer: Marianne Krag Petersen
What's better than to produce your own apple juice from organic apples? There are apples enough for everyone at Skovsgård Manor belonging to the Danish Nature Fund. The estate is a living example of how agriculture and nature considerations can go hand in hand. There are undulating wheat fields, green meadows, miles of hedgerows, deer and fallow deer in quantities and lots of ponds filled with exciting small fry. And there's an organic cafe and organic food market, which both are very well attended.
Hvad er bedre end selv at producerer sin egen æblemost og så endda økologisk. Der er æbler nok til alle. Skovsgård Gods tilhører Danmarks Naturfond. Naturformidlingen foregår udenfor eller i en smuk stråtækt kampestensbygning. Godset er et levende eksempel på, at landbrug og naturhensyn kan gå hånd i hånd. Der er bølgende kornmarker, grønne enge, kilometervis af levende hegn, rådyr og dådyr i mængder og masser af vandhuller fyldt med spændende småkravl. Og der er økologisk cafe og madmarked, som er meget velbesøgt.
Eagle at Tranekær Lighthouse. Photographer: Jane Ditzel
There nests several pairs of White Tailed Eagle on Langeland. White Tailed Eagle only becomes sexually mature at the age of 5-7 years, when birds pair up and find territories they hold all their lives. In July 2012 a disaster for a pair of White Tailed Eagles occurred. The female and their only chick was found dead. The chick was found in the nest, and the adult female was found about 50 meters from the nest. The birds were poisoned with carbofuran. Carbofuran is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin that paralyzes the breathing immediately. It has been banned across the EU since 2008. A person was suspected of the killing. But the police did not believe there was sufficient evidence. Luckily the male was so sexy that he quickly found a new mate. The new female White Tailed Eagle flew all the way from southern Germany (according ring mark) to be a part of the local population of White Tailed Eagles on Langeland.
Der yngler flere par havørne på Langeland. Havørne bliver først kønsmodne i en alder af 5-7 år, hvor fuglene danner par og finder territorier, som de holder hele deres liv. I juli 2012 indtraf en katastrofe for et parrene. Hunnen og ungen blev fundet døde. Ørneparrets fuldfjerede unge, blev fundet i reden, og den voksne hun omkring 50 meter fra redetræet. Fuglene var forgiftet carbofuran. Carbofuran er en ekstremt farlig nervegift, som lammer åndedrættet øjeblikkeligt. Det har været forbudt i hele EU siden 2008. En person blev mistænkt for giftdrabet på havørnene. Men politiet mente ikke at der var tilstrækkeligt bevis. Heldigvis var hannen så sexet at den hurtigt fandt sig en ny mage. Den nye hun kom flyvende hele vejen fra Sydtyskland (ifølge ringmærket) for at fortsætte den lokale havørneslægt. (http://www.dof.dk/om-dof/nyheder?nyhed_id=1110)
Wild mares and horses Photographer: Gitte Rasmussen (wild mares) and Philip Hahn-Petersen (Wild horses)
Almost all people living on Langeland are members of one or more voluntary organisations. In the island's southernmost village Bagenkop, the dedicated inhabitants focus on health, movement and community actions across generations. The photo is from this year's "wild-horse race". Wild mares (with numbers) have walked/run two times a week from May to August. Lots of laughter and joy, socialising and sweat. All people crossed the finish line in their own pace and in the evening, all had their dinner together at the harbor.
The race takes place in the area where the Langeland’s wild horses (right) lives and is named after the beautiful creatures.
Vilde hopper og heste Fotograf: Gitte Rasmussen (Vildhopperne) og Philip Hahn-Petersen (Vilde heste)
Næsten alle langelændere er med i en eller flere foreninger. I øens sydligste landsby, Bagenkop, har lokale kræfter sat fokus på sundhed, bevægelse og fællesskab på tværs af generationer. Her fra årets “vilde-heste-løb”. Vildhopperne (billedet til venstre) har gået/løbet sammen 2 gange om ugen fra maj til august. Masser af grin og glæde, sammenhold og sved på panden. Alle kom i mål i hver deres tempo og om aftenen spiste alle sammen på havnen.
Løbet foregår i området hvor øens vilde heste (til højre) holder til og har taget navn efter de smukke skabninger. (http://www.bagenkop-info.dk/fitness/)
SCHOOLS Photographer: Marie Wöldike and Hans Sturesson
As in many other places in the Denmark, Langeland had to close schools because families with children moved away to get jobs. But we have also build the new Ørsted School in Rudkøbing. The municipality did not only build a new school, but chose to give the school a boost to both facilities and school structure. Ørstedskolen is at the forefront when it comes to IT and digital solutions. All school premises are equipped with smart boards and children use computers and Ipads to support teaching.
Som så mange andre steder i landet, har Langeland måtte lukke folkeskoler, fordi der simpelthen ikke var nok børn. På samme tid som nogle skoler blev lukket, byggede Kommunen Ørstedskolen i Rudkøbing. Kommunen byggede ikke bare en ny skole, men valgte at give skolen et løft på både faciliteter og skolestruktur. Ørstedskolen er således med helt i front når det kommer til it og digitale løsninger. Alle skolens lokaler er udstyret med smartboards og børnene bruger computere og Ipads til at understøtte undervisningen. Skolen var en af de første skoler der implementerede inklusion i folkeskolen.
On Langeland there is up to 700 asylum seekers spread over the island's five centers. The people in the asylum centers has led to a positive boost to Langeland. There are new jobs at the centers. Local artisans have got a lot of work improve and renovate the buildings. More children helps schools to survive. Supermarkets have received additional revenue. Further the locals say: "The landscape of Langeland has got more colors."
På Langeland er der kommet liv i de nedlagte skoler. Flere af dem er nemlig blevet omdannet til asylcentre. Der bor op mod 700 asylansøgere fordelt på øens 5 asylcentre. Langeland kommune driver, på baggrund af deres store erfaring på området, yderligere 4 udenøs asylcentre (Fredericia, Ærø, Faaborg). Asylcentrene har på mange måder medført et positivt løft til Langeland. Der er nye arbejdspladser på centrene. Lokale håndværkere har fået en masse arbejde i at sætte bygningerne i stand. Folkeskolernes børnetal bliver holdt oppe. De lokale supermarkeder har fået en meromsætning. Og de lokale siger: ”Landskabet på Langeland har fået flere kulører.” (www.asylcenterholmegaard.dk)
THE ROLE OF LANGELAND IN THE COLD WAR Photographer: Fillip Nielsen
For almost 30 years the Langelandsfort at Bagenkop on the Southern tip of Langeland was part of the NATO and Danish defense. During the Cold War its main task was to monitor the ships in the Great Belt and in general keep a close eye on the Soviet Union. Today the Langelandsfort is a Museum of the Cold War and a witness from a time when there was a real threat of a Russian invasion of Denmark and nuclear Armageddon.
The prime moment of the Langelandsfort was, according to the story, Monday, October 22, 1962. During the Cuban missile crisis, Langelandsfortet observed Soviet merchant ships with a cargo consisting of material for rockets. The Fort also observed when the ships turned around and sailed back to the Soviet Union.
Langelandsfortets stjernestund var, ifølge fortællingen, mandag den 22. oktober 1962. Det skete i forbindelse med Cuba-krisen, hvor Langelandsfortet observerede sovjetiske handelsskibe med en last bestående af materiale til raketter. Fortet observerede også da skibene vendte om og sejlede tilbage til Sovjetunionen.
I næsten 30 år var fortet ved Bagenkop på Sydspidsen af Langeland en del af det danske forsvar. Den væsentligste opgave var at overvåge skibstrafikken i Storebælt og i det hele taget holde et vågent øje med Sovjetunionen. I dag står Langelandsfortet tilbage som et vidnesbyrd på en tid med trusler om en russisk invasion af Danmark og atomkrigsragnarok. (http://www.langelandsfortet.dk/)
Light show on Ørsted Pavilion. Photographer: Hans Sturesson
Cultural Evening at The Ørsted Pavilion in Rudkøbing. Pictured Peter Rasmussen. Peter was born on North Langeland in 1790 and died in Rudkøbing 1865. He was a multi-talented and invented, among 74 other things (agricultural machinery, "ships could sail in the air and under water") the revolver gun. It was already in 1832, a few years before Colt made the same invention in America.
Lysshow på Ørstedspavillonen. Fotograf: Hans Sturesson
Kulturaften ved Ørstedspavillonen i Rudkøbing. På billedet Peter Rasmussen. Peter blev født på Nordlangeland 1790 og døde i Rudkøbing 1865. Han var et multitalent, som blandt 74 andre ting (landbrugsmaskiner, ”skibe der kunne sejle i luften og under vandet”) opfandt revolvergeværet. Det var allerede i 1832, et par år før Colt gjorde samme opfindelse i Amerika. Han forsøgte at afsætte sin opfindelse til det danske militær. Han fik foretræde og tilladelse til prøveskydning i kongens nærvær. Kongen var begejstret, men det var krigskommissionen desværre ikke, så Rasmussen måtte rejse hjem til Rudkøbing med uforrettet sag. Rasmussen forfinede de følgende år sit gevær, og forsøgte gentagne gange over de næste ca. 20 år forgæves at afsætte opfindelsen til myndighederne. I 1854 droppede militæret definitivt tanken om at introducere geværet i landets forsvar. Rasmussen fik dannebrogsordenen som tak for ulejligheden. (https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peder_Rasmussen_(opfinder))
ANGLERS Photographer: Sytse van der Harst
Germans, Belgians and Dutch people flock to Langeland for sports fishing in Belt of Langeland.
When you visit the Spodsbjerg and Bagenkop harbors, you can hardly fail to see that a large parts of the harbors are reserved for firms that specialize in renting boats for sports fishing.
And both the east coast and the west coast of Langeland provides many good fishing spots for sea trout, cod and flatfish. Whatever the weather you can always find a good place where you can fish. If the wind blows too much on one side of the island - there is shelter on the other side.
It seems that the people of Langeland love pictures of anglers. The two images got a first place and second place in our reader poll about which images to be included in this Photo series.
Tyskere, belgiere og hollændere valfarter til Langeland for fiske i Langelandsbæltet.
Når man besøger Spodsbjerg og Bagenkop havne, kan man næsten ikke undgå at se at en stor del af havnens pladser reserveret firmaer, der har specialiseret sig bådudlejning.
Desuden byder både østkysten og vestkysten af Langeland på et godt kystfiskeri efter havørred, torsk, fladfisk og, om foråret, hornfisk. Uanset vejret kan man altid finde et godt sted hvor man kan fiske. Hvis det blæser for meget på den ene side af øen - er der læ på den anden side.
Langelænderne er vilde med billeder af lystfiskere. De to billeder fik henholdsvis en første plads og en anden plads i vores læserafstemning om hvilke billeder, der skulle indgå i denne serie. (http://www.langeland.dk/?vm=26695&mname=Lystfiskeri)
HARBORS FROM NORTH TO SOUTH Photographer: Elene Nielsen (Spodsbjerg Harbour) + Rikke Egmose Stempin (museum for fishing)
On Langeland there are several charming small harbors. Some of them are the focal point for activities like Lohals Meatball party, Fawlty Towers and the harbor festival in Spodsbjerg. Bagenkop (Danish Village of the years, 2011) also has its harbor festival and has just established "Fishermen's house".
LIV I HAVNENE FRA NORD TIL SYD Fotograf: Elene Nielsen (Spodsbjerg Havn) + Rikke Egmose Stempin (fiskeriets hus)
På Langeland findes der en række hyggelige mindre havne. Nogle af dem er omdrejningspunkt for aktiviteter som Lohals Frikadelle fest, Halløj på Badehotellet og havnefesten i Spodsbjerg. Bagenkop (årets Landsby 2011) har også sin havnefest og har netop etableret ”Fiskeriets Hus”. (http://www.visitlohals.dk/, http://www.spodsbjerghavn.dk/ og http://www.bagenkop-info.dk/)
On Rudkoebing Harbour area Photographer: Michael Jensen
The photographer says that Loke (top) is his grandson - and below his father Thomas. Both are born in this Langeland. (The picture got a fourth place in our reader poll about which images to be included in this series.)
Michael fortæller at Loke (øverst!) er hans barnebarn - og neden under hans far Thomas. Begge er barnefødt på Langeland. (Billedet fik en fjerdeplads i vores læserafstemning om hvilke billeder, der skulle indgå i denne serie.)
FOREST AND BEACH Photographer: Mogens Lind Jorgensen (forest) + Gitte Buch (beach dinner)
Celebrating birthday in July on one of the islands many beautiful banquet facilities 'for free'.
We are very proud of our beaches, forests and hat hills (a Langeland hallmark). Langeland has a beautiful coastline with many child-friendly beaches. We have forests with a large population of deer, fallow deer, hares and abundant bird life. Langeland is a part of the migration route of many birds and lots of small birds and raptors passing the island in spring and autumn.
SKOV OG STRAND Fotograf: Mogens Lind Jørgensen (skov) + Gitte Buch (strand middag)
Fællesspisning en juliaften - der fejres fødselsdag. Skagensstemning på Langeland. Badeture, vin og medbragt mad til solen gik ned, bål under stjernehimlen. Et af øhavets mange smukke selskabslokaler 'for free'.
Vi langelændere er meget stolte af vores strande, skove og hatbakker (et langelandsk særkende). Langeland har en skøn kyststrækning med mange børnevenlige strande. Vi har skove med en stor bestand af rådyr, dådyr, harer og et rigt fugleliv. Langeland ligger på en af fuglenes trækruter, og masser af småfugle og rovfugle passerer øen forår og efterår.
AGRICULTURE – HOW WILL IT LOOK, WHEN WE BECOME ADULTS? Photographer: Christina Bausager Jensen
Agriculture has always been an important profession in Langeland. People of Langland says that if you drop an apple a few years after there will stand an apple tree. Most agricultural Langeland belongs to the very traditional grain and rapeseed cultivation. The fertile soil and the mild climate also allows for orchards and specialty crops. What will the future hold???
The picture got third place in our reader poll on which images to be included in this series.
Landbruget har altid været et vigtigt erhverv på Langeland. Langelænderne siger at hvis man bare taber et æble vil der få år efter stå et æbletræ. Det meste landbrug på Langeland hører til det helt traditionelle korn og rapsdyrkning. Den fede muld og det milde klima giver også mulighed for frugtplantager og specialafgrøder.
Hvad mon fremtiden bringer???
Billedet fik en tredje plads i vores læserafstemning om hvilke billeder, der skulle indgå i denne serie.
Oct 27, 2015
Is the Danish society in balance? - Meeting at the Library of Langeland 25 October 2015
The new Langeland photo serie in Politiken Sunday to debate the library in Rudkoebing, Langeland
Main photo: Politiken's editor in chief Bo Lidegaard and newspaper photo boss Thomas Borberg were on Sunday in Rudkoebing, Langeland to discuss a new series of photos from Langeland. In the middle Jesper Ansbæk who took the initiative to the “complementary photo serie” to Politikens original photo essay on Langeland.
Text: When the Danish newspaper Politiken's chief editor, Lidegaard shows up at the Library of Langeland a Sunday in October, well, then there must be something afoot.
Attitudes can change. At the public meeting in August, regarding Politiken 22 maligned photos of the remote Langeland ( http://politiken.dk/fotografier/wide/sattelitbilleder/ECE2791217/laaaaaaaaaaaangeland/ ), the Copenhagen newspaper photo boss Thomas Borberg said clearly no to the idea that the newspaper would bring Langeland own "counter-images photo serie" as proposed at the meeting.
The photos could only get on the newspaper's web and Facebook page said the photo manager. Later changed Politiken their view. The pictures could be printed in the newspaper - and there they were on this Sunday.
But not only that: The newspaper invited to have another debate, also on this Sunday, and here showed chief editor of Politiken himself up. At the public meeting in August people were very, very angry at Politiken. At Sunday's meeting mostly praise, although some are still pretty upset about the picture series in August.
At the meeting, there were no direct explanation from Bo Lidegaard on why the newspaper has changed its mind. But he told that the many letters and angry responses from Langeland had led to discussions in the newspaper.
- Is the Danish society in balance?
- How do we see each other?
- About Copenhagen and the rest of the country.
- What kind of a society we are?
- And what kind of a society do we want to be?
It's obviously a much bigger perspective than Langeland, but Langeland part of the discussion, said Bo Lidegaard.
As several participants Bo Lidegaard also said, that there's not a single truth about Langeland. Even if Politiken published seven photo series about the island, they would combined not to tell the whole truth.
- What you have done on Langeland is to come up with another view on Langeland reality.
And there's a tremendous strength to take the discussion. It's about the entire country's cohesion, added Bo Lidegaard.
Oct 22, 2015
Brussels, walking around, October 22, 2015
Different kinds of mushrooms for sale
A very popular outlet of fish dishes – I went there for my lunch
And a fish shop in the other end of the outlet
Martelarenplein, Place des martyrs - the angels looks very worried
Martelarenplein, Place des martyrs 18è siècle
Nice city garden
Interesting piece of art, a locomotive or a cathedral or ???
Church of St Catherine
Nice dog, does not bark at people, and does not leave any dog-shit on the sidewalks
Tottenham Horspur supporters. The Spurs had arrived to Brussels to play against Anderlecht – they lost 2-1
Tottenham Horspur supporters.
Houses build together with church - St. Nicholas Church. This is the oldest church in Brussels and it is named after the patron saint of merchants. Established in the 11th century.
Oct 20, 2015
Brussels, Gran Place and center, October 20, 2015
A view of Boulevard Anspach
Belgians seems to be fond of Danish beer, the Danish Tavern is specialised in Carlsberg. But the Tavern seems not to know difference between the German and the Danish flag.
But Belgians also brew their own beer
The Grand Place is the main tourist attraction in Brussels. It’s a place that I visit several times (if possible) each time I am in Brussels. And it is a good place to investigate the behaviour of tourists.
There are many photo opportunities, and tourist are busy with their smartphones. The girl in the background is busy with another new photoing device; a drone. It seems that drones cannot only be used to kill civilians and terrorists, but also to impress your Facebook friends.
It has lifted.
It is in the air. Very impressive. I will immediate start to put money aside to buy one myself.
I got a comment from a friend of mine on FB: “Great. And a good idea with a drone. Your comments will be even more interesting:-)” My answer: “If you expects that more photos from above will make my considerations and comments even more interesting, it is good reason to find the money needed to buy one. The first challenge is anyway to persuade my wife that a drone is needed in our household!”
The guy is so busy with his selfie stick that he forgets his girlfriend.
A view over the Brussels center.
The Park de Brussels is another favorite of mine
The Royal Palace. The wealth that Belgium extracted from colonial Africa changed the face of the modern-day Brussels. Some of it is invested in the Royal Palace. Two of Brussels' most elegant thoroughfares, Avenue Louise and Avenue Terveuren were laid out with money raised from Belgium's adventures in the Congo basin, and many of the city's most grandiose buildings were funded from the proceeds of rubber, timber and ivory. One man was responsible for Belgium's grip on a vast chunk of central Africa: Leopold II. "I don't want to miss the chance of getting us a slice of this magnificent African cake," he said in a letter to one of his ambassadors. Even by the standards of the day, Leopold's attitude to his colony was ruthless and exploitative - his rule destroyed thousands of villages and left an estimated three million people dead. In Brussels, Leopold left his mark in stone - in monuments and buildings. But in Congo his influence was much more malign. The years of terror broke down traditional communities and created a long-lasting pattern of plunder.
Back to the beautiful Park de Brussels.
A former Mayor of Brussels
One of the many charming murals in Brussels
The Charleroi Channel
It not only in Denmark that we have very fit mothers transporting their kids on a bike
Another mural
The Charleroi Channel
There are extremely many very posh and expensive restaurants and also more humble eating places in Brussels (and everything in between). This is one from the second category.
But the food was OK
Two street musicians
The Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert (French) or Koninklijke Sint-Hubertusgalerijen (Dutch) is a glazed shopping arcade in Brussels from 1847.
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